Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week of August 24

We had a great first week in Mrs. Andrea & Mrs. Lana's Jumpstart classes!

Our main focus this week was helping our little ones feel comfortable in our classroom. We are getting acquainted with new friends and a new routine.

Our books this week were Llama Llama Misses Mama and First Day of School.

In Circle Time, we sit on our circle mats on the rug. We each give our class elephant "Trudy" a good morning hug. We sing along with our ABCs, colors, shapes, and count to 10 while Mrs. Andrea points at them on the wall. We fold our hands to pray. Then we finish up with a couple of songs.

Sensory Center: We played in colored rice.

Art Center: We painted our hand prints.

Fine Motor Center: We played with Mr. Potato Head and Shape Sorters.

We are learning to stay in our seats at snack time. We are practicing using good manners by saying "More, please" and "Thank You".

After snack time, we snuggle up with a book in our reading corner.

We were lucky to have great weather this week. We were able to spend time at the playground. Our little ones enjoyed the playground equipment. We had some fun visits by butterflies and geese flying overhead. They picked flowers and played with bubbles.

During our music time we went on a fun "Lion Hunt" and danced to the Hokey Pokey and Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes.

Next week, our focus will be the color RED and the first day of creation.
Emma and Chandler will be our Star Students. Star Student information was sent home in your binder.

Thank you for sharing your little ones with us. If you have questions about anything, please let us know!