Saturday, January 26, 2019

Week of January 21

We had a short week since we were out Monday to celebrate MLK Jr Day.

Our Shape this week was SQUARE.

For our Art Center we made a picture using water colors and SQUARE stamps.

For our Fine Motor Center we played with different kinds of blocks and building sets blocks.

For our Skill Center we worked on our scissor skills snipping a playdoh rope with plastic scissors. Remember to keep your thumb up!

We had a visit from the Library Lady this week on Thursday. We love the stories and songs she shares with us.

We had another fun visit from Miss Kay on  Wednesday.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Week of January 14

Our color this week was WHITE and our shape was CIRCLE.

We read the book Can I Play Too? by Mo Willems.

For our Art Center we made melting snowmen. Lots of our little ones told us about the snowmen they made in the snow and how they melted. We used glue stick to helps us stick on a WHITE CIRCLE for the head. We added arms, nose, eyes, and a hat. They are so cute!

For a Fine Motor Center we added WHITE pom poms to snowman bottles. Our little ones had to use their pincher skills to get them in the small hole.

For a Skill Center we started snipping with playdoh scissors. They are learning how to hold the scissors and to try and keep their thumb up. It's hard work, but they are catching on!

For another Skill Center we worked on tracing CIRCLES with markers.

For a Sensory Center we played in white rice. If we make a mess, we help sweep it up.

We had a super fun visit with Miss Kay from Kay's Studio of Dance this week on Thursday. She will be back next Wednesday to visit with our other class. She taught us a ballet dance about a butterfly, a folk dance, a tap dance, and a hip hop dance. Our little  ones got to try on tap shoes if they wanted to.

The library lady came for a visit too!

What a fun week!