Thursday, August 25, 2022

Week of August 22

 We had a great week of school! Our focus has been learning expectations and classroom rules. It will take a while to learn the routine of school, but  our little ones are doing great! 

For Snack Time we have learned that "we stay in our chair at snack until we're all done." Before Snack we clean our table and pray. When we get our snack we say thank you. After we finish we throw our trash in the trash can and put our cup in the sink. 

When we finish with our snack we find a book.

For our Art Center this week we made Jelly Fish. We painted using a brush. We learned to drag and lift our paint brush. We glued on eyes and tentacles. They look so fun hanging from our ceiling!

For a Sensory Center we played with blue glass beads and sea creatures. We used a spoon to scoop and pour the beads. The beads are cold and smooth. They make a fun sound with they knock together.

For a Fine Motor Center we played with bristle blocks.

For another Fine Motor Center we played with Squigs. They are fun suction cups. They stick to each other and they stick to the tubs.

We also had some fun Group Centers. We played with puzzles, Duplo Blocks, and Mega Blocks.

For our Music Centers we danced and had fun with bubbles.

Recess Time was lots of fun!

We also enjoyed our Outdoor Learning Centers with water tables and sandboxes.

We even got a chance to check out the indoor play area.

We had a great week playing, learning, and making friends!!