Friday, August 26, 2016

Week of August 22

We had a great first week in Jumpstart! Our little ones are adjusting well to being away from Mom and Dad. We are learning our classroom routine too.

We focused on fun and learning our classroom rules this week. Our classroom rules are:
- We are nice to our friends
- We play safely
- We listen to the teacher

At Circle Time we sing our ABCs, we count to 10, we name our shapes, sing a Days of the Week song, and talk about the day's weather. We learned to hold hands and make a circle, to sit quietly while the teacher talks, and to stay in our spot.

This week our Art Center was a first day of Jumpstart hand print. Our teachers painted each wiggly hand with paint. 

For our Sensory Center we played in dry black beans.

We tried lots of different activities for our Fine Motor Center this week. We played with small cars on a mat. We linked chains. We played with peg boards, Mr. Potato Head, and other manipulatives.
Fine Motor activities help strengthen our hand muscles and prepare us for handwriting.

We were able to spend some time out on the playground. We are starting to learn how to use our walking feet, follow the teacher, and be quiet in the hallway. We are learning that everyone is welcome in the playhouse, we go down the slide one at a time on our bottoms, and it's lots of fun playing with friends.

We are looking forward to a lot more fun days with these little ones!

Our color next week is RED.