Saturday, March 27, 2021

Week of March 29

 Our Shape this week was OVAL.

Our Science this month is SPRING.

For our Art Center we made an Easter egg craft. We used shaving cream and liquid water colors to paint beautiful swirly eggs. Our little ones loved seeing their finished egg!

For our Play Center we hid and hunted Easter eggs.

For our Skill Center we played with shape matching eggs. 

For our Sensory Center we played with black beans and Easter eggs.

Mrs. Kristie set up a fun Glow in the Dark egg hunt for us. Everyone loved finding the glowing eggs!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Week of March 8

 Shape - Square

Science - Spring

For our Art Center we used SQUARES to decorate the the first letter of our name. We are getting better at recognizing our names.

For our Sensory Center we played with SQUARE Magnatiles on the light table.

For our Fine Motor Center we worked on tracing SQUARES. We are trying to master horizontal and vertical lines. This will give us a great headstart on writing lots of letters next year.

For our Building Center we used SQUARE blocks, craft sticks, and tiny cars to make bridges and other creations.

We were excited to get outside on the playground this week!

REMINDER: Spring Break is the week of March 22!