Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week of January 23

Our shape this week was CIRCLE.

We read If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff.

For our Art Center we made party Pigs. We used pink circles to make the head and nose... and pink and purple dots for the party hat. They turned out very full of personality.

For our Sensory Center we played with water beads in a bag. We squished the. We also tried to move them around to put like colors together.

For a Skill Center we practiced our scissor skills. We used safety scissors to snips pink and purple strips of paper. We practiced holding them with our thumb facing up.

For another Skill Center we made a circle. We used a Qtip and pink paint to fill in the dots to make a circle. Some of our little ones finished quickly, so they worked on tracing the word circle with a pencil.

For a Play Center we had a party!

Indoor recess can sometimes be a challenge. It's been so cold outside we have been stuck inside. These kids have really made the best of their indoor time. We have set up our own little play town. They use their imaginations and play well with each other.

The "Library Lady" visited this week. We always have fun with her songs and stories. Make sure to watch the video Mrs. Misty posted on our Facebook group.

Next week our shape is CIRCLE again. Please, work at home with your little ones to spot colors and circles around the house. We will continue reviewing colors as while we are learning new shapes.

Open registration starts very soon. Make sure to take advantage of current student early pre-registration. Once registration is open to the public, spots will fill up fast!

Thank you for sharing your little ones with us!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Week of January 16

This was a short week in Jumpstart. We had a holiday on Monday and a field trip on Thursday. We still packed a lot of fun into our week.

Our colors this week were PINK and PURPLE.

For our Sensory Center we played with ice cream Pom poms. We scooped them with a spoon and put them in plastic comes.

For our Fine Motor Center we laced felt squares onto curvy straws.

For our Art Center we painted Jelly Toast. We slathered sparkly pink and purple paint onto our paper bread.

We had a blast at the Children's Museum. We are glad so many little ones could joins us,

Our shape next week is CIRCLE. How many circles can your little one find around your house?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week of January 9

Our color this week was WHITE.

We read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.

For our Art Center we made hot cocoa. We glued them together with glue sticks. We added our name label to the cup. We topped it off with white marshmallows.

For our Skill Center we practiced scissors. We rolled white Playdoh into a rope and snipped it with Playdoh scissors.

For our Sensory Center we played with feathers. We glued them to our Day 5 God made the Birds that Fly and the Fish in the Sea page. 

For our Fine Motor Center we played with Marshmallow Poppers. We pushed them down and waited for them to pop back up. It was hard work on our hand muscles but so much fun!

Our colors next week are PINK and PURPLE.